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It was a joy and journey of a lifetime to hike through the Green Mountains with these people in 2010.


Dick Curran and Family

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Dick Curran, who lives with Parkinson's, joined me at three points along the trail. He started the hike with me at the southern terminus then met me again in the central and northern sections with different family members each time.

Patti Dandrea and Rick Angers

We hiked up Stratton Mountain in the driving rain. After I completed the trail I remember saying:  "It rained on all the right people!" Patti and Rick were great sports and didn't let the rain dampen their spirits.


Patti and Rick's father, aunt, and uncle--all siblings--lived with Parkinson's. They hiked in their memory.

Jeremy Hebert and Trail Angel, Nancy Bloomfield

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My big brother, Jeremy, brought a pizza and Guinness to Route 9!


Then we hiked together over Bromley Mountain to Little Rock Pond in memory of our father and honor of our aunt Helen.

Steve and Denise Towne and Family


Steve and Denise Towne (seen with their three children in upper left photo) both joined me for sections of the trail in honor of Steve's mother, Donna (seated in the middle row with white jacket in group photo above). Also pictured above is Donna's daughter, Karin (third from right in back row), and five of her grandchildren (front row, left side).


The group photo was taken at Smugglers' Notch in Stowe where all these wonderful people planned a picnic for me and Jim Hester after we hiked over Mount Mansfield.


Jim Hester


Jim Hester hiked from the base of Camel's Hump through Bolton and over Mount Mansfield on a three-day stretch.


We were interviewed by WCAX on the summit of Mansfield. As we walked away from the interview, Jim said, "Jocelyn, that was the first time I told anyone I have Parkinson's other than my family."


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Far left:  Jim and his loving and supportive wife, Sarah, and me, and my loving and supportive mother, Judith.


Left: Jim and Sarah after three tough days for Jim over some rugged terrain and Vermont's highest peak, Mount Mansfield. .

Ginger Nickerson

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Ginger Nickerson and I met long ago at a UVM Exension Master Gardener course. We started chatting after class and learned both of us had parents living with Parkinson's. We became fast friends.


Ginger hiked with me from Smugglers' Notch, over Whiteface Mountain to Route 15 in Johnson in honor of her mother.


I remember sitting quietly near by while Ginger called her Mom, Elly, from the Madonna summit as the sun was setting to connect with her while she was on the trail.

Jean Tufts and her dad Dennis White

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Jean and Dennis hiked from the Lamoille River Suspension Bridge at Route 15 in Johnson to Roundtop Shelter. 


Dennis left the trail after two nights but Jean continued to Journey's End at the Canadian border.


Jean was supporting my efforts to raise awareness of PD but she was also on her own personal healing journey after having just lost her husband to brain cancer.


We hiked and healed together for my final week on the Trail.

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Rachel and Lyle Miller and Rosalie

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Rachel Miller and her husband, Lyle, joined me on their 52nd wedding anniversary on the northern Long Trail just before Laraway Lookout.


We had lunch in the parking lot with their friend Rosalie, then Rachel walked up into the woods as far as she could go.


Rachel and Lyle turned back and Rosalie and I hiked up to the Lookout.

Trail Friends!

Linn Syz and Rhoda Chickering
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Tim Gebuhr (AKA a "Flask Brother")

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Ellen Curran

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Thru-hiker brothers whose father had PD

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Gentleman who is blind and was hiking the Appalachian Trail using technology to guide himself to show how independent visually impaired people can be. 


My mom, Judith Hebert

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The adventure wouldn't have been so wonderful without the people who hiked with me and brought me resupplies and Trail Magic, or the hiker friends I met along the way.


Their enthusiasm for my mission fueled me.


Their delightful spirits lifted mine.


Ten years later and I still remember each one of them vividly and with great affection.


(Some are not represented in these photos but they are still near and dear to my heart.)

Chris Miller

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Tom Gebuhr (AKA a "Flask Brother")

Thru-hiker friends

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Thomas Jackman

Former VT PD Chapter President, Michael O'Connor

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Friend who filmed his progress along the way.

Journey's End.

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