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Jocelyn ("Zuni Bear") Hebert is a life-long Vermonter who has thru-hiked the 272-mile Long Trail over the spine of the Green Mountains, three times (2007, 2010, 2015).


At age twenty, she was employed as a Vermont certified residential real estate appraiser and worked alongside her father for nearly 20 years before he retired after being diagnosed with PD.


Jocelyn switched career paths and was the producer and editor of the Long Trail News magazine for 7 years.


While she takes time now to contemplate what's next, Jocelyn decided to use her energy, skills, and love for the mountains and outdoors in a way that honors people in the Parkinson's community who she so greatly admires.




Peaks For Parkinson's logo: Matthew Sylvester (

Home page banner art:  Amber Alexander (Facebook. @AmberAlexanderIllustration)

About PFP page photograph of Mount Abraham summit: Ned Houston

Thank you the following creative people who contributed art to this site:

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